Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Father's Day Card

I made this card for my cousin to give to his father...
His dad is really into gardening and plants and all so I made a pot and a vine plant coming out of it with the pickets in the background. He picked the qualities that he loves about his dad on his own.

  • Difficulty: Moderate (Easy but cutting out the plant was difficult at least for me)
  • Time: Around 3 hrs for me but I had to think of the design as I went along with my basic idea, but if one was to re-create this it would take 40 min because of the intricate cutting.
  • Tools: Construction Paper, Markers, Scissors, Glue Stick, and Xacto knife.

1. Cut out the pot, plant, and pickets.

2. Cut out the Labels.
3. The Final Result


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